Sylvana Durrett

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey to where you are today?
Hi! I’m Sylvana Durrett, Co-Founder and CEO of Maisonette, a marketplace for modern families and today's children. Before Maisonette I worked at Vogue for 14 years starting as Anna Wintor’s assistant and eventually Director of Special Projects. My Co-Founder, Luisana, and I had always dreamed of going into business together from our days at Vogue. We both had this entrepreneurial itch. Having young kids at the same time we were often frustrated with the lack of centralized, one-stop destinations from which we could shop from. It was impossible to shop online for kids: a million separate websites for the laundry list of items you needed and countless hours of looking - it was a miserable experience. We decided we would change that experience and make a curated, one-stop shop for everything you need for your kids and more! Today, our purpose goes well beyond the product itself; it’s a dedication to family and to help parents make the best decisions. We also hope to bring a little magic along the way!

What is your favorite Spring tradition? What are you looking forward to the most this upcoming season?
My family trip to Jamaica! We go every year and it has become the best tradition with our kids. It’s a place filled with activities and relaxation!

What is your favorite part about getting dressed during the Spring season?
Less layers! Bright colors, maxi dresses, and comfortable birkenstock sandals.

Do you have any daily rituals that help keep you grounded or focused during this time?
I’m a fan of a weekly manicure and pedicure. It’s an hour to myself and a little pampering to rest and reset.

What is your favorite part about Maisonette? About being a working mom?
My favorite part is being able to work on something I’m passionate about. It definitely has its challenges but Maisonette is practically my 4th child so it makes me proud to see how far I’ve come. I love bringing products to the site that I know will excite my actual children: Henry, Gracie and Millie.

What do you wear, go, and eat to feel your absolute best?
I wear anything that's easy to throw on- that can be dressed up or down. Being able to go from work to dinner and just having to change a shoe or purse is key!
There’s no better place than going to my house in the country. It helps me reset and get ready for the week ahead.
Currently my favorite restaurant is Popina in Brooklyn; their pastas paired with red wine- it’s my dream meal. Can’t forget about the hot chicken too- spicy and amazing!

What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? To your children?
Don’t sweat the little stuff- think about the bigger picture because things always have a way of working out for the best.

What is a favorite quote of yours? Or a special saying that you go back to time and time again?
A special saying that passed down from my grandmother to my mom and on to me is “There are two days in life- good days and bad days. If it weren’t for the bad days you wouldn’t know what a good day is.”.

Do you have any book or podcast recommendations that you are especially loving right now for our community?
I love listening to “How I Built This.” It’s a podcast where entrepreneurs tell their stories on how they got to where they are today. It’s inspiring to me to hear their personal challenges because it makes the hard days easier to get through.