Working in digital marketing and the front lines of social media (Instagram was not around yet when I started A+B Consulting) I saw how the examples for women were positively reinforcing very negative hypersexual behavior to get likes, followers etc. I wanted to have, at least in my corner of the internet, a place that positively reinforces wholesome ideals and behaviors for girls/ women. It is cool to be good. So often, “good girls” are considered boring with no taste or worse, bad taste.
I wanted to highlight women who are smart, cool, successful, beautiful and who live lives with meaning and purpose. Not perfection, but authenticity and core values present. I wanted to highlight women who don’t sexually objectify themselves but who have the option. You understand? It means more when you’re beautiful, tasteful, stylish, thin, smart, and you choose not to objectify yourself, because some wouldn’t have the option.
I always say, we are not inclusive, we are exclusive and trying to speak to a very specific kind of woman, not for everyone and that is ideal. I want to attract what I find valuable and in my corner of the internet, I’m allowed to do just that. Being a wife and mother is cool. Modest is hottest. Being tasteful, dressing well and creating a beautiful home with beautiful energy in the home is cool. Entertaining well is cool. Investing in your community is cool. Giving back is cool, not for credit. Being a good friend is cool. Being smart is cool. Being well rounded and diverse in relationship(S) is cool.
That is what the Art of Being Female is about. There is an art to it and only those doing it well stand out.